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Parking Services manages and maintains over 100 permitted parking lots and  garages, two Pay-to-Park garages, and multiple Pay-and-Display permit stations on campus. All combined, there are more than 9000 vehicles that park on campus each day.

Anyone interested in parking at the University must display a valid Texas State permit or park in a pay-to-park garage.  Parking rules are enforced every day of the year.

Our Parking Philosophy


The parking system must provide adequate, reasonably convenient, and safe access for all employees, students, and visitors to the campus through coordinated management of resources.


The parking system must reconcile parking demands with the limitations of land resources and road capacity by eliminating surface lots and building parking garages.


The parking system should minimize the intrusion of vehicles into campus and keep general vehicular circulation to the campus periphery.


The parking system must assure that it is self-supporting. No student tuition, fees, or tax dollars are put towards the operation of Parking Services.

Parking is a significant part of the current campus master plan, and will continue to be an important consideration during the campus master plan update.  In the plan, it was determined that all surface lots on the campus comprise about 85 acres of land. This represents a significant amount of space that can be used for academic and non-academic footprints for the campus. As a result of the discussions of the campus master plan, it was determined that several additional garages must be built on the campus within the next 10 years.

The parking system is self-supporting; it must generate its own revenue to support expenses to build and maintain parking operations, lots and garages. There are three main sources of revenue for the parking system: permit fees, permit violation fees, and parking meter fees. Expenses include the operations, debt service payments for parking structures, maintenance of existing parking lots and garages, and the creation of new parking lots and garages. A reserve is also maintained for unforeseen parking emergencies and to assist with initial payments for new construction.